
Watch Me

3 Channel-Video Installation, 41’15”, 2019-2020, Staedtische Galerie Delmenhorst, Delmenhorst, Germany

performer in video:Lusha Ye

三频道视频装置,41’15”, 2019-2020, 德门霍斯特市美术馆, 德门霍斯特, 德国


"A story about a female author who is travelling to a new city, planning to stay there for a few days to work on her new book. She rents an apartment online and spends her time there alone. From the moment she comes in, she is being watched. Sensing this, the next day, she decides to pack her luggage and leave the apartment."

Through a three-channel video installation and illustrated with a simple story, the artist presents three different perspectives of watching and being watched in the era of Big Data. She explores the boundaries of personal privacy and security by comparing the discomfort and panic of being surveilled in the first perspective with the superiority and security of surveilling in the second and third perspectives. The viewer experiences the panic that arises when one loses privacy and the security that comes with having all the information and being able to see everything.

Today, we trade our privacy for convenience. In the act of feeding big data and we are actively or passively controlled by it and by the power of mastering it. Personal privacy is valued more in some cultures and less in others. In a society where individualism is more prevalent, personal privacy is often valued more. However, the more developed a country is, the higher the social binding force. People can experience surveillance from neighbors and people around them in daily life too. At the same time, governments believe that national security depends on monitoring the personal behavior of the individual. This is a public secret. We are being watched everywhere.

With the film installation, the artist hopes to evoke in the viewer emotions which one experiences when watching and being watched through multiple angles and interprets this ordinary behavior from different angles.

“这是一个作家的故事,她从远方来到这个城市,准备在这里呆几天并且写她的新书。她在网上租到了一间公寓。 独自一人在公寓里,这位年轻女子从第一秒开始就被注视着... 第二天,她就收拾东西离开了公寓。”

艺术家通过三频道的视频装置,以一个简单的故事表现了三种视角观看(监视)和被观看的不同体验。在第一视角被观看的不适与恐慌感,和第二、 第三视角观看的优越感和安全感间,艺术家想要通过一种比拟,探讨在当今大数据时代下个人隐私安全的边界。人们在被获取信息而丧失隐私安全的恐慌中,又在通过喂养大数据的行为中交换到了自己生活的便利,或主动或被动地被大数据控制着,也被掌握大数据的力量控制着。


艺术家希望通过多角度来呈现对观看与被观看下人们可能会有的不同情绪, 来对观看进行不同角度的解读。



